Application of HCn3D to Unleash Value

Correlating cost and outcomes is the objective of Health Care in 3 Dimensions. More than a focus on specific services and their costs, the HCn3D tool expands the journey into cost saving with a broad based view of all factors that may and usually do impact cost. The movement into value based purchasing is just beginning and drivers are population based through the vehicle of comparison of provider performance for common patient centered treatment events summed as benchmarks. It is clear that costs emanating from populations, small and large, must be linked to costs at the patient level. Providers must have a tool to gain insight into patient and provider network particularities to know how to adjust their decisions and have this reflected as a change in value. Generally value is a challenging metric by forcing the perception of the need for behavior change, yet not specifying exactly what providers need to do to cause this modification of care processes.

Because HCn3D, as a model building tool, structures data from the complete world of the health care Network, even when data is not available , all factors that impact care processes can be modelled. By doing this model building step, network entities as business organizations from the patient level to the largest plan, can be seen as the purveyors of information which can be more useful when channeled through the network links. When value is thought of as a financial reflection of care processes, linkage can include all network entities; more specifically when care processes are modelled as granular events in a patient’s journey , linkages need only include those provider entities directly involved in patient care. Thinking of business organizations as network entities allows a variety of links to operate to bring together measures appropriate for the tasks at hand for each entity.

<a href="/HCn3D-Systems/Provider-Logic">Provider Logic </a>

Logic is the fundamental operation of providers to assess and make decisions from patient centered data. Read more …

<a href="HCn3D-Systems/Patient-Centered-Network">Patient Centered Network</a>

Unit of measurement centered on the patient is the most granular; and is the foundation of the units of measurement of the higher levels. Read more …

<a href="/HCn3D-System/Value">Value</a>
Value based on the ratio of outcomes to cost is the emerging standard for pay for performance programs. Read more …

Healthcare in 3 Dimensions is a system to optimize and assess the delivery of healthcare using counterfactual analysis of care paths, managing costs without sacrificing the individuality of the patient.


Dec 2021
HCn3D Topology Whitepaper

Health care cost control requires transformation of health care delivery and financing.

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Jul 2019

In June the Team submitted their application to the CMS AI Health Outcomes Challenge.

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May 2019
CMS AI Health Outcomes Challenge
Dr. Ripley reflects on HCn3D’s participation in the CMS AI Health Outcomes Challenge.
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Jan 2019
Pyramid of Value INTERACTIVE!
HCn3D releases new interactive presentation for the Pyramid of Value
Read more …

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Nashville TN 37211

Phone: 615.347.8363
