Healthcare in 3D Terms and Phrases

In the context of HCn3D, is what is analyzed counterfactually to predict alternative future value outcomes.
Scenario Planning
A blueprint for achieving a desired objective. The scenario takes account of the external factors in the Ecosystem that impacts an entity’s success. For example, real world health care transformation uses terms such as accountability, coordination, collaboration, post-acute care, chronic to acute care, value, bias, evidence-based medicine; all these are in themselves scenario statements. With the framework of HCn3D scenarios draw from a set of Briefs to assemble schemas that show a path to Value. Scenarios can therefore define a path to optimization for a healthcare entity, and optimization for the ecosystem as a whole. The relationship of levels of optimization for any entity at any scale builds the path to value.
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Healthcare in 3 Dimensions is a system to optimize and assess the delivery of healthcare using counterfactual analysis of care paths, managing costs without sacrificing the individuality of the patient.


Dec 2021
HCn3D Topology Whitepaper

Health care cost control requires transformation of health care delivery and financing.

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Jul 2019

In June the Team submitted their application to the CMS AI Health Outcomes Challenge.

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May 2019
CMS AI Health Outcomes Challenge
Dr. Ripley reflects on HCn3D’s participation in the CMS AI Health Outcomes Challenge.
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Jan 2019
Pyramid of Value INTERACTIVE!
HCn3D releases new interactive presentation for the Pyramid of Value
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Nashville TN 37211

Phone: 615.347.8363
